My Internship Journey as a UX Designer at

My Internship Journey as a UX Designer at

My Internship Journey as a UX Designer at




17 Sep 2019


Faisal Risq




17 Sep 2019


Faisal Risq




17 Sep 2019


Faisal Risq

This summer I got a chance to have an Internship program as a UX Designer at, one of the biggest online travel agent startup in Indonesia. With the enjoyable and comfortable work culture, supported to every employee to learn and keep innovating, help me to accelerate in the field that I’m currently in. Helped by an amazing product team who guide me during my internship here. As a new joiner in this field surely I still have many things that I must learn, and my internship at lead me to find several things which I never found in my college or when I studied by my self.


What did I do during my Internship as a UX Designer?

Such as an amazing experience for me that I can have an opportunity to learn product development directly from the experts. Not only learn by watching them work but also I got a responsibility to develop my own product. Here I joined with payment team, under the guidance from mas Yudha as my Lead UX Designer. I worked on 2 projects, soon it will launch for real at apps (psstt.. if you want to know what projects I worked on, please be patient it still on developing process hehe). And of course, this thing allows me to work and discuss with the amazing people behind every product at

Where I have to coordinate with my UX Researcher when starting and doing the project, collaborate with other UX Designer to discuss and take the decision, choose the best UI for the user with UI Designer, discuss with UX Writer for suitable wording, sync up with the Product Manager and the developer team, until I must present my idea to the VP and the CCO of (Read: me as an intern) product team

What did I get during my Internship at

Many things that I got from product team at, it’s not only about hard skill in product development field but also a soft skill to work at this fast industry.

1. Design Process

After only knowing from reading and doing the design process as best as I can, at I found out how the design process run in the startup company. Many things that we should consider when we starting to build a product. Don’t be satisfied at your first iteration, find out what people think about your design and do more iteration.

2. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Asking why to every situation on our decision is an important thing. Because here we design for a thousand user that will use our product, so we must pay attention from the beginning of development and all of the possibility in every case that can be happening at our product. Remember to make a customer centrist product, not just from our perspective.

3. Teamwork

At building a product we can’t work alone, every part of the team have the same important job. Every people have a sense of belonging to the product, this is not just your product but this is our product that we have a responsibility to make it better for our user. Here I learn that it’s okay to make a mistake, it’s okay you’re asking questions, we must keep learning and helping each other.

4. Presentation and Communication Skills

Because we are required to work as a team, presentation and communication skills is an important thing. We must be able to explain what we think about, what our ideas at the problem to other people around us. And also we will meet a lot of people with a different type of characters.


There’s still a lot of benefits that I got from my internship at, it can be a lot of time to read it here. Just text me if you want to know more hehe

It’s okay to make a mistake, it’s okay to be failed. Learn from them and appreciate your learning process.

Being an intern at is an incredible moment for me, not only work as an intern but the people around help me to learn and work as the full time at the fast startup world. Thank you to all of you the employee of that helping me to learn, especially to all member of product team (Give them applause guys, you deserve it) thank you for making me the part of, thank you for giving me the opportunity. 3 months being an intern at and it turns so fast, now time for me to go back for study and do my thesis hahaha.

Guys if you want to feel what I feel as an intern at, you can send your best CV and portfolio to They still looking for another intern as UI Designer and UX Designer.

Thank you for the surprise on my birthday guyss’s birthday party